The cycling culture brand in the cycling nation
Cycling is undeniably Colombia’s most beloved and widely embraced sport. The bicycle has been an integral element of the country’s society and culture, while its steep mountains and fearless climbers have gained worldwide recognition.
Suarez has played a significant role in this history for over four decades. It began with its founder, Carlos Suarez, who was a professional cyclist during the 1980s and later, through his clothing company which he started in 1996.
Business Strategy
Throughout the 2010s, the surging popularity of cycling gave rise to a new wave of clothing brands. These brands blended technology, functional design, and trendsetting fashion like in no other sport. In this evolving landscape, Suarez began to sense that its rich cycling heritage and unwavering commitment to quality were being somewhat eclipsed by newer, trendier competitors.
Moreover, despite Suarez’s existing clothing exports to numerous countries, the company recognized the need for a significantly stronger presence in international markets.
Brand Position Strategy
Aluzian collaborated closely with Carlos Suarez and his team to uncover, within Suarez’s story and its deep connection to Colombia’s cycling culture, a distinctive brand position that would pay homage to its heritage and strike a chord with cyclists worldwide.
Visual Identity System
We then crafted a comprehensive visual identity system that drew inspiration from the world of fashion, elevating Suarez to the status of a world-class, timeless brand.