Somos Sumapaz, the community that protects the largest páramo in the world.
Sumapaz is the largest locality in Bogotá, home to the world’s largest páramo: the Sumapaz páramo. The municipal government approached us seeking a brand that would support all the community initiatives within Sumapaz. However, it wasn’t just about that; they also yearned for a narrative that would transcend borders, connecting with national and international entities to secure the necessary resources for local progress.
To address this challenge, our approach was clear: to build a brand from the community and for the community. Our goal was not only to reach the community but to be a reflection of it, ensuring that each individual felt authentically represented.
A collective brand, created from the community
Sumapaz, a land once perceived as distant and separate from Bogotá, has historically faced significant challenges due to the armed conflict. However, today, a resilient community has emerged, finding a new purpose of life in the land and its resources.
Yet, we realized that the overall perception of Sumapaz was clouded; people only associated it with the páramo. To change this perspective, we crafted a narrative built from the community, from the “SOMOS”: “We are a perseverant community rooted in a unique territory. We have maintained a way of life that seeks to honor it. We are inhabitants, producers, and guardians of this place. We identify as rural Bogotá, and we firmly believe in offering products that carry the history of our people, our land, and our air. We are a producing community committed to caring for the world’s largest páramo.”
Logo: a place for all, no one left behind
We designed a logo with bespoke typography to represent altitude, highlighting the community’s privileged location atop the world’s largest páramo. Each letter reflects the altitude and interconnects to symbolize the unity of the community.
This logo is special, featuring the word “somos” (we are), which embraces and encompasses everything: the territory with its diverse landscapes, the páramo, the fauna, the flora, the products, and, above all, the community.
A height-based composition system
We created a composition system based on the different levels or heights, akin to thermal floors, capturing the essence of the privileged place where the community resides: the world’s largest páramo. These levels act as containers that vary according to the composition, allowing us to separate composition elements, but most importantly, to tell a story.
Phasellus dapibus feugiat felis a consequat. Aliquam eu pellentesque leo. Curabitur et consectetur velit. Fusce enim erat, scelerisque vitae ultrices vitae, laoreet sed magna. Fusce nec vulputate justo, eget rhoncus orci. Cras rutrum elit ac libero suscipit tincidunt.
Real color
We created a color palette inspired by the reality of Sumapaz, which goes beyond just the páramo. Sumapaz is its people, animals, flowers, walls, and their clothing. Thus, a varied color palette emerged, capturing the complete essence of Sumapaz and providing a broad chromatic range to support all products and initiatives of the collective brand.
Phasellus dapibus feugiat felis a consequat. Aliquam eu pellentesque leo. Curabitur et consectetur velit. Fusce enim erat, scelerisque vitae ultrices vitae, laoreet sed magna. Fusce nec vulputate justo, eget rhoncus orci. Cras rutrum elit ac libero suscipit tincidunt.
A strong and clear tone of voice “Somos gente de altura”
The brand’s tone of voice reflects the spirit of Sumapaz: strong and clear, highlighting their identity with impactful messages. They are the community that cares for and protects the world’s largest páramo in the world from the heights of Bogotá; they are people of altitude who provide elevated products to the region: “Miel de altura”, “Mermelada de altura”, and “Yogurt de altura”.
Typography: speaking loud and clear
In our quest for a typeface, we envisioned the voice of the Sumapaz community—people who speak loudly, strong, and clear. Ensuring the typography echoes the human touch, we crafted it with a texture that elevates the “handmade” aspect.